Sunday, June 10, 2012

Here goes nothin'

So it is 12:22 am on Sunday night (or Monday if you wanna get all pc on me) and I decided Monday is the day. I like to start my diets on Monday because I read somewhere that people who start diets on Mondays are more likely to stick with it so here goes nothin'. But we'll start with a little somethin about myself. I just received my bachelors of science in nursing and am preparing myself for the world of nursing.  Now anyone can agree that the college lifestyle is not the healthiest. Late night snacks...or meals in my case, staying up until 4am, waking up at 3pm, too much drinking, too much stress, and although you think it's over when you graduate high school...too much drama. I hit my max weight my sophomore year in college of 160 and lost 30 pounds but quickly regained it my second semester of junior year by not maintaining a healthy lifestyle, letting the stress of nursing school get to me.

I'm ready to start my next journey and there are many changes in order for this journey to begin however for the girl who is hesitant to change, these changes may be difficult:

1. I have moved out of the small town where I lived during nursing school and back in with my parents in the city until I can find a job (which trust me, I say a long prayer every night that somehow, someway God will allow this to happen SOON).

2. I am currently looking for a job. Who knew right? You always hear on the news that "nurses are in high demand" and "will always have a job". Well when every hospital's positions require experience...but I have no experience because I am a new graduate, it is a bit hard to get experience. Complicated. Frustrating. But learning to practice my patience is healthy...I guess and staying positive. I am keeping my options open and frequently putting my resume out there!

3. I am also studying for boards to receive my registered nursing license. And unless you are a nurse, were a nurse, or in nursing school, NO ONE understands the difficulty, challenging, and complete insanity of the NCLEX. Right now this is my number one priority. Prayers are greatly appreciated.

4. Transitioning from a short distance (less than a mile) to a long distance (185 miles) is going to super difficult. This change is a big one for me. I don't know where I will end up, although Bricey is willing to move and completely supportive of me.  We will be traveling to see each other often until I can obtain a permanent address.

Now onto the challenge.  The past 2 years I have been on and off diets, literally TRYING to stay on a diet at least twice a month. Staying busy with school, working at a hospital, and trying to feed myself and my boyfriend all while maintaining a social life, has been difficult. Each attempt I go back to the diet that I lost all the weight in the previous time. 

The first 9 days consisted of all fruit (any quantity), all vegetables (any quantity: expect no white potatoes or avocado), chick peas, tofu, lentils, BROWN rice (2 cups of cooked per day), Low-fat/skim/soy milk (2 cups per day), Oatmeal (1 cup a day), any herbs and spices, 6 oz of low fat yogurt (2 times a day), 4 egg whites per day, 2 cups of herbal tea, and ALL the water you want :) This means NO alcohol (which is quite difficult when you are 21, in college, and have a busy social life in a small town). Also no white rice, meat, fish, cheese, bread, raisins, nuts, dried/preserved fruit, candy, popcorn, chips, ice cream (but you can have FROZEN YOGURT!), juice, soda (no regular OR diet), coffee, sports drinks, milkshakes, whole eggs or yolks, fried/fast food. This phase is meant to cleanse your body and jumpstart your metabolism.

This will be the start to my diet tomorrow. And as of now the word "diet" will now be "health binge".  My spin instructor wrote this health binge for me and my mom 2 years ago and we were super successful. It was one of those health binges that would be easily maintained (if you didn't go off the deep end like I did) and I think I have learned from my mistakes.  Portion control is a huge one for me. I may know how to eat healthy but portion control is key, a lesson I must learn quickly. I will go over the next "phase" after I successfully complete the 9 days. This next week should be somewhat easy in that I will be able to cook from home for most of the 9 days.

As for the exercise plan: I have a friend who teaches a local cardio class that I will attend. I also will be signing up for Bikram yoga tomorrow. And for those of you who have not heard of Bikram, it is a yoga class in a room set to 105 degree heat. The facility I was a member at previously had an hour and a half classes where you felt like a fairy afterwords because it was so liberating. I also enjoy taking walks up and down the hills of my neighborhood with arm weights. I would like to take a class or walk for an hour every day.

I will be weighing in tomorrow (June 11), sharing results, and will wait 2 weeks until my next weigh in (June 25). Then from there I will weigh once a week on the same day each week. I have my first goal in mind but need to know my specific weight to make a specific goal. As we were taught in nursing: small obtainable goals are best! 

I am prepared for the challenges I will face in these next 9 days: caffeine headaches (completely addicted to coffee and DDP-diet dr. pepper for those rookies out there), saying no to mom's cooking, making healthy decisions if I eat out, and making myself get up and exercise daily.

I am confident that this blog will bring me motivation, therapy, and success. I am ready for the new me. Bring it on.