Week 3, Day 1 of Adulthood. Its going fairly well but I'm learning every day the values in life. For example:
The value of a loofah: Now I've never been one to own a loofah because a few years ago I heard that loofahs collect dead skin in between its net. And I'm not down with that. But, because I fell in love with an expensive body wash, Olay Total Effects Body wash, I decided I would invest in a one. Now, instead of 4 dollups of wash each shower, I only use one.
The value of showering at night: This is a big one folks. For those of you out there with thick, curly hair, you get me. I can't just "wear my hair natural", otherwise I'd look either like Albert Einstein or like a lion on crack. If I wear it curly, I need wet hair and a lot of product and if I wear it straight I need to dry it and straighten it which takes a lightyear. Solution: shower at night, sleep on it wet, not only does it dry itself, but it curls without looking like I purposely teased each piece of hair on my head. Braid, messy bun, or straighten without the mess of drying my hair and sweating so much that I need another shower.
The value of black coffee: I've talked a little about this before but now that I'm waking up earlier and earlier each day, about 5:00 AM, we spend a little time in this house saying a nice long prayer thanking God for providing me with extra. bold. coffee.
The value of the washing machine: I'm living without a washing machine. Now many of you know the lovely story of how I came to be without a washing machine but that is besides the fact. I don't have one any more. So that leaves me to hauling my ass across the parking lot and using the apartment complex's washing machine. Something I dread every week. I pay $1.25 to wash my clothes and a $1.25 to dry my clothes. I do 2 loads a week and for someone that hand washes half of her laundry, I've learned the next topic:
The value of the hand wash cycle: Now I'm a 90s baby. Which means, yes, I've become far too dependent on the hand wash cycle and may not have ever known what it was like to use a washboard but I'll tell you one thing, I hate washing my hand wash items, by hand. I'm way too inexperienced to wring out my clothes enough so that they are not completely dripping with water when I hang them to dry but I'm trying! If I come in with a case of carpel tunnel next week, you'll know why.
The value of Bricey: I have the best boyfriend on the face of the earth. I don't deserve him, he spoils me too much and loves me to pieces. I am eternally grateful for having such an amazing man. He has been so understanding of my schedule. Since I have moved, he has visited every weekend without complaint. Next weekend will be the 4th weekend in a row that he has come 7 hours down to San Antone. He buys dinner, groceries, gas, and anything else I may need for the week. He spends hours being the shoulder I need to cry on every Sunday when we have to say goodbye again. He understands when I have to go to bed at 10 PM and calls to wake me up at 5 AM for work. Seriously girls, I'm sorry I took the best one out there. I'm sickly in love with him, I brag about him to everyone I know, I've got it far too good. Patterson family, you did a fine job at raising this one of a kind boy. I love you so much Bricey! Thank you for all that you do :)
Happy Monday Everyone! Have a fabulous week!!
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